Ingredientes para 4 personas
Un cuarto de paquete de lentejas rápidas de medio kilo
Un puerro grande o dos pequeños
Dos zanahorias medianas
Dos o tres cucharadas de tomate natural triturado
Un hueso de jamón (Eliminar en dietas vegetarianas/veganas)
Caldo casero vegetal o caldo de pollo Aneto, por ejemplo
Dos hojas de laurel
Aceite de oliva
Cortar el puerro en anillas finitas y la zanahoria en cuadraditos pequeñito
Pochar el puerro y, cuando esté a medio hacer, añadir la zanahoria. Rehogar un poquito hasta que se ponga blandita.
Añadir las cucharadas de tomate natural triturado, sal, pimienta, un pizco de azúcar y remover.
Incorporar las lentejas, el laurel, el hueso de jamón y el caldo hasta que cubra sobradamente el guiso.
Dejar cocinar en olla rápida, dos anillos entre 10 y 15 minutos.
Destapar. Si vemos que quedar muy caldoso, reducir a fuego lento hasta que coja la textura deseada.
Ingredients for 4 persons
A quarter of a 1lb package of rapid lentils
A big leek or two small ones
Two medium carrots
Two or three spoonfuls of natural crushed tomato
A bone of Serrano ham. (Not strictly necesary. Avoid in vegetarian diets)
Domestic broth or ready made chicken/vegetable broth. (I do not know the brands in England)
Two bay leaves
Olive oil. (0,4º for cooking)
Cut the leek in slim rings and the carrot in small cubes.
Poach the leek and, when it is half made, add the carrot.
Stirr it until it gets tender.
Add the spoonfuls of natural crushed tomato, the salt, the pepper, a pinch of sugar and remove.
Incorporate the lentils, the bay leaves, the bone of ham and cover them with the broth.
Cook the mixture in the pressure cooker, (mine is a fast one.) In my pot it takes between 10 and 15 minutes. Uncover and serve.
(You can also use ready made fried tomato sauce. I don´t know in England but in Italy and france, they prefer to make it themselves. In Spain there are several brands for it.)
Dos hojas de laurel
Aceite de oliva
Cortar el puerro en anillas finitas y la zanahoria en cuadraditos pequeñito
Pochar el puerro y, cuando esté a medio hacer, añadir la zanahoria. Rehogar un poquito hasta que se ponga blandita.
Añadir las cucharadas de tomate natural triturado, sal, pimienta, un pizco de azúcar y remover.
Incorporar las lentejas, el laurel, el hueso de jamón y el caldo hasta que cubra sobradamente el guiso.
Dejar cocinar en olla rápida, dos anillos entre 10 y 15 minutos.
Destapar. Si vemos que quedar muy caldoso, reducir a fuego lento hasta que coja la textura deseada.
Ingredients for 4 persons
A quarter of a 1lb package of rapid lentils
A big leek or two small ones
Two medium carrots
Two or three spoonfuls of natural crushed tomato
A bone of Serrano ham. (Not strictly necesary. Avoid in vegetarian diets)
Domestic broth or ready made chicken/vegetable broth. (I do not know the brands in England)
Two bay leaves
Olive oil. (0,4º for cooking)
Cut the leek in slim rings and the carrot in small cubes.
Poach the leek and, when it is half made, add the carrot.
Stirr it until it gets tender.
Add the spoonfuls of natural crushed tomato, the salt, the pepper, a pinch of sugar and remove.
Incorporate the lentils, the bay leaves, the bone of ham and cover them with the broth.
Cook the mixture in the pressure cooker, (mine is a fast one.) In my pot it takes between 10 and 15 minutes. Uncover and serve.
(You can also use ready made fried tomato sauce. I don´t know in England but in Italy and france, they prefer to make it themselves. In Spain there are several brands for it.)
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